A big fan of Osamu Tezuka, Yumi Tamura and Takehiko Inoue.
I'm now living in the UK and looking for the fans of Osamu Tezuka!
I'm 23 years old, born in Okinawa, Japan.
Let me introduce some of my websites.
Most of them are in Japanese, but if you are interested in,
please do visit! Some of them show pictures so you don't have to read Japanese:,)
I don't really update this blog, but the other stuff are almost everyday I update. See below please.
-Olive *Chikiu*
This is my oldest blog. Sometimes about the life in the UK, about Japan,
about myself, kind of diary, about Yumi Tamura, or Osamu Tezuka.
-1031*BJ(Japanese ver.)
Almost about Osamu Tezuka, especially, Black Jack. Yumi Tamura as well.
Sometimes about other Manga or Anime.
A strage of pictures which I drew. Most of the pics are Osamu Tezuka.
An another strage of pics.
You know twitter don't you?
Well, if you want to say something, please do contact me.
I am very happy to talk about stuff I mentioned above:,)